Mentors Program


Participants in the Riepe Mentors Program form a unique team dedicated to serving children in West Philadelphia public schools. Directed by Riepe House Fellow Dr. Marsha Richardson, the Mentors program aims to familiarize its residents with West Philadelphia by connecting them with children who live and attend West Philadelphia schools. Under the direction of senior faculty at Penn's Graduate School of Education, participants mentor children in nearby elementary, middle, and high schools, devoting at least two hours a week to such activities, as well as attending monthly dinners with faculty to discuss their experiences. In the process, mentors learn about the challenges facing kids in Philadelphia’s educational system, while also learning about the talents and great potential of these students. Throughout the year, mentors have the opportunity to develop their own leadership skills, gain exceptional pre-career experience, and discover the rewards of community service.

Riepe Mentors come from cities all across the country and around the world, but are linked by their shared commitment to community service. They bring this commitment to the children at these schools who benefit from their weekly encouragement and support. By joining the Riepe Mentors community with the local school communities, Riepe Mentors support the learning and growth of both Penn and Philadelphia public school students. Mentors become a significant part of the life of the school and through their service and care they create important connections between Penn and the Philadelphia schools. Mentors also serve Riepe College House by organizing house-wide community service projects. These involve improving playground areas, painting classrooms and halls, planting bulbs, and generally beautifying the school campus. All Riepe residents are encouraged to join in community service opportunities and fundraising events sponsored by Mentors.

 Participation in the Mentors Program is open to all residents of Riepe College House.  More information will be shared at the beginning of the academic year.