24/7 Quiet Hours Begins


24/7 Quiet Hour/Noise Ban begins at 6pm today and ends after the last final exam on Tuesday May 8th.

Dear Riepe-ites,

Congratulations on making it through the semester! And, to help ensure that it will have a (academically) happy/ successful ending, starting tomorrow evening, Riepe College House will institute its traditional noise blackout/ban in preparation for finals. 

This means that residents who want to play music or video games in their room will need to use headphones. It also means that residents who are returning from social events or parties during the late night hours should do so quietly in consideration of others in the House. Group meetings (including study groups), lounge get-togethers and hall conversations should be conducted quietly throughout the day and evening.  

We wish you the best of luck on your final exams, papers and projects!  Please take care and, as always, feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.


Thursday April 26th, 2018 6:00 PM to Tuesday May 8th, 2018 12:00 PM