Riepe Student Interview Series: Bruce & Tess


Event Details & Zoom Link on Canvas

Join us for a weekly interview series featuring upperclassmen students from across Penn! Hear from their undergraduate or graduate experiences, both academic and social. We'll discuss classes they've taken and loved (or hated!), student groups they've joined, and how they found their place at Penn. 

Bruce Eskesen is a senior in Wharton studying Finance and Behavioral Economics. He’s active in several finance and consulting clubs on campus as well as various theatre groups. Bruce currently works as a tutor and teaching assistant for several introductory business and economics courses at Penn, but most of his time this semester is spent making videos on the internet for strangers. 

Tess Doran is a senior in the School of Nursing with a minor in Nutritional Science. She has been involved with many clubs throughout her time at Penn such as Student Nurses at Penn, the Undergraduate Assembly, and Model Congress. She also works as a Research Assistant on Penn's COVID Vaccine Trial team. In her free time, she enjoys swimming, taking walks throughout Philadelphia, and binge-watching reality TV. 


Thursday November 12th, 2020 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM